Did you check opened/closed topics on Steam forum, on TaleWorlds forum or on this forum? Did you try some of the methods that were mentioned in those topics? Did some of them help?
You can try some of these basic steps and sub-steps (in order of your choice):
If you haven't already, you should go through a process of troubleshooting, maybe you will fix the problem by yourself. If it is the 'Mount&Blade: Warband has stopped working' error, then this error is quite common, and it can be caused by basically anything. By doing so, you also help those who may try to help you. Hi, by writing 'sometimes game not responding' you mean the 'Mount&Blade: Warband has stopped working' error? Or some persistent lag that throws you out of the game eventually? You can generally increase the likelihood of your problem being solved by sharing more information about the error itself, your specifications, etc. its terrible condition to play mountiblade warbund. it is not only my problem, im and my friend crashes game the same time, but other plaeyers stay in.
If i play on tg arena, sometimes game not responding.